Required role: | NovaLink | Requires any of the roles: | NovaLink, Forlag, Trivsel, Aula, Skemaprovider, Skemasubscriber, Stamdataprovider, Elevflytning, MueApi |
GET | /novalink/kuiplan |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Person | form | PersonContactDto | No | |
Contact | form | ContactDto | No | |
KuiContact | form | ContactDto | No | |
Parents | form | List<ParentContactDto> | No | |
KuiPlan | form | KuiPlanDto | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Address | form | AddressDto | No | |
IsAuthoritative | form | bool? | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Id | form | int | No | |
Cpr | form | string | No | |
Name | form | string | No | |
Title | form | string | No | |
form | string | No | ||
Phone | form | string | No | |
Location | form | string | No | |
Category | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Street | form | string | No | |
Postalcode | form | string | No | |
City | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Betegnelse | form | string | No | Header name of the plan |
Situation | form | SituationDto | No | Data from the Situation tab |
Afdaekning | form | AfdaekningDto | No | Data from the Afdækning tab |
Handling | form | NaesteSkridtDto | No | Data from the Næste skridt tab |
Godkendelser | form | List<GodkendelseDto> | No | Approvals from parents or pupil |
GodkendelsesStatus | form | string | No | Lastest approval status |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Livssituation | form | string | No | Data from the field "Livssituation" |
Stoettebehov | form | bool | No | Data from the field "Behov for socialpædagogisk støtte (SPS)" |
StoettebehovBeskrivelse | form | string | No | Data from the field "Hvilken SPS støtte er der behov for?" |
Ordblindeundervisning | form | bool | No | Data from the field "Behov for ordblindeundervisning" |
OrdblindeundervisningBeskrivelse | form | string | No | Data from the field "Beskrivelse af ordblindeundervisning" |
Behandlingsforloeb | form | bool | No | Data from the field "Evt behandlingsforløb den unge deltager i" |
BehandlingsforloebBeskrivelse | form | string | No | Data from the field "Beskriv hvilket behandlingsforløb" |
NedsatTid | form | bool | No | Data from the field "FGU på nedsat tid, eller anden særlig aftale med KUI" |
Beskrivelse | form | string | No | Data from the field "Beskriv aftalen" |
Temaer | form | List<TemaDto> | No | Data from the section "Temaer" |
Kommentar | form | string | No | Data from the field "Kommentar til livssituation" |
AndenAftaleOmSaerligeHensyn | form | bool | No | Data from the field "Anden aftale med KUI omkring støtte eller særlige hensyn" |
AndenAftaleOmSaerligeHensynBeskrivelse | form | string | No | Data from the field "Anden aftale med KUI omkring støtte eller særlige hensyn" |
IkkeBehovSaerligeHensyn | form | bool | No | Data from the field "Der er ikke behov for støtte eller særlige hensyn" |
Besvarelser | form | IEnumerable<AfsnitDto> | No | Answers from pupil |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Titel | form | string | No | |
SystemNavn | form | string | No | |
Indhold | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Noegle | form | string | No | |
Titel | form | string | No | |
Felter | form | IEnumerable<FeltDto> | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Noegle | form | string | No | |
Titel | form | string | No | |
Indhold | form | string | No | |
Opdateret | form | DateTime | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Uddannelsesoenske | form | string | No | Data from the field "Den unges uddannelsesønske" |
Joboenske | form | string | No | Data from the field "Den unges jobønske" |
Praesentation | form | string | No | Data from the field "Præsentation af den unge" |
Kompetencer | form | string | No | Data from the field "Kompetencer" |
UnguddForudsaetning | form | bool? | No | Data from the field "Ingen umiddelbare forudsætninger for at gennemføre en ungdomsuddannelse" |
FguMaalgruppeUngUnder25 | form | bool? | No | Indicates whether or not the person is under 25 years old |
FguMaalgruppeHarIkkeUngdomsuddannelse | form | bool? | No | True if the person has NOT completed an upper secondary education (youth education) |
FguMaalgruppe | form | bool? | No | Data from the field "Den unge vurderes at tilhøre målgruppen" |
FguVurderingsKommentar | form | string | No | Data from the field "Beskriv hvorfor den unge ikke tilhører målgruppen" |
Kommentar | form | string | No | Data from the field "Kommentar til afdækning" |
Motivation | form | AfdaekningMotivationDto | No | Data from the section "Motivation og kompetencer" |
Besvarelser | form | IEnumerable<AfsnitDto> | No | Answers from pupil |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
FagligMotivation | form | string | No | Data from the field "Faglig motivation" |
PersonligMotivation | form | string | No | Data from the field "Personlig motivation" |
SocialMotivation | form | string | No | Data from the field "Social motivation" |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
NaesteTrin | form | string | No | Textual representation of the field "Næste skridt". One of: FGU, Ungdomsuddannelse, Arbejde, Andet |
Aktivitet | form | AktivitetDto | No | Selected activity in "Næste skridt" |
Besvarelser | form | IEnumerable<AfsnitDto> | No | Answers from pupil |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Fgu | form | FguaktivitetDto | No | Has a value if "Forberedende grunduddannelse (FGU)" is selected |
Ungdomsuddannelse | form | UngdomsuddannelseAktivitetDto | No | Has a value if "Ungdomsuddannelse" is selected |
Arbejde | form | ArbejdeDto | No | Has a value if "Et arbejde" is selected |
Andet | form | AndetDto | No | Has a value if "Andet" is selected |
Tiende | form | TiendeDto | No | Has a value if "10. klasse" is selected |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Basisforloeb | form | FguForloebDto | No | |
Afsoegningsforloeb | form | FguForloebDto | No | |
Uddannelse | form | FguUddannelseDto | No | Data from the section "Forberedende grunduddannelse (FGU)" |
Uddannelsessted | form | UddannelsesstedDto | No | Data from the section "FGU uddannelsessted" |
PersonligeMaal | form | string | No | Data from the field "Personlige mål" |
SocialeMaal | form | string | No | Data from the field "Sociale mål" |
FagligeMaal | form | string | No | Data from the field "Faglige mål" |
PraktiskeMaal | form | string | No | Data from the field "Praktiske mål" |
Samtykke | form | bool | No | Data from the field "Der er samtykke til at dele uddannelsesplanen med FGU institution" |
SamtykkeVedUdskrift | form | bool | No | Data from the field "Samtykke til at dele uddannelsesplanen med FGU institutionen gives ved underskrift af udannelsesplanen" |
Periode | form | PeriodeDto | No | |
Kommentar | form | string | No | |
PguOenske1 | form | string | No | |
PguOenske2 | form | string | No | |
PguKommentar | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Valgt | form | bool | No | |
Uddannelsessted | form | UddannelsesstedDto | No | |
Periode | form | PeriodeDto | No | |
Kommentar | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Institutionskode | form | string | No | "Institutionskode" of the selected educational institution |
Navn | form | string | No | Name of the selected educational institution |
Cvr | form | string | No | CVR number of the selected educational institution |
Pnr | form | string | No | P-number of the selected educational institution |
Adresse | form | string | No | Address of the selected educational institution |
Postnummer | form | string | No | Postal code of the selected educational institution |
By | form | string | No | City of the selected educational institution |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
From | form | DateTime? | No | |
To | form | DateTime? | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Skoleperiode | form | string | No | Data from the field "Afsøgningsforløb". "AF" if selected |
Speciale | form | string | No | Data from the field "Ønske om uddannelsesspor". One of 1, 2, 3, and ? |
PguTema | form | string | No | |
UddannelsessporKommentar | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
CosaFormaal | form | string | No | |
Betegnelse | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Ungdomsuddannelse | form | UngdomsuddannelseDto | No | Selected education |
Periode | form | PeriodeDto | No | Education period |
Kommentar | form | string | No | |
Samtykke | form | bool | No | Data from the field "Der er samtykke til at dele uddannelsesplanen med FGU institution" |
SamtykkeVedUdskrift | form | bool | No | Data from the field "Samtykke til at dele uddannelsesplanen med FGU institutionen gives ved underskrift af udannelsesplanen" |
EuxTilvalgt | form | bool? | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Hvad | form | string | No | Data from the field "Hvad vil den unge arbejde med?" |
Hvordan | form | string | No | Data from the field "Den unges plan for at få et arbejde på det område" |
Aftale | form | string | No | Data from the field "Aftale om næste trin" |
Periode | form | PeriodeDto | No | Data from the field "Periode for aftalen" |
Kommentar | form | string | No | Data from the field "Kommentar til ønske om arbejde" |
Samtykke | form | bool | No | Data from the field "Der er samtykke til at dele uddannelsesplanen med FGU institution" |
SamtykkeVedUdskrift | form | bool | No | Data from the field "Samtykke til at dele uddannelsesplanen med FGU institutionen gives ved underskrift af udannelsesplanen" |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Beskrivelse | form | string | No | Data from the field "Hvilket andet næste skridt er aftalt" |
Periode | form | PeriodeDto | No | |
Kommentar | form | string | No | |
Uddannelsessted | form | UddannelsesstedDto | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Valgt | form | bool | No | |
Maal | form | string | No | |
Uddannelsessted | form | UddannelsesstedDto | No | |
Periode | form | PeriodeDto | No | |
Kommentar | form | string | No | |
Samtykke | form | bool | No | Data from the field "Der er samtykke til at dele uddannelsesplanen med uddannelsesstedet" |
SamtykkeVedUdskrift | form | bool | No | Data from the field "Samtykke til at dele uddannelsesplanen med uddannelsesinstitutionen gives ved underskrift af uddannelsesplanen" |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Tidspunkt | form | DateTime | No | |
GodkenderNavn | form | string | No | |
GodkenderRelation | form | string | No | |
ManuelGodkendelse | form | bool | No |
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .xml suffix or ?format=xml
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
GET /novalink/kuiplan HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/xml
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml Content-Length: length <GetKuiPlanResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Contact xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:Category>String</d2p1:Category> <d2p1:Cpr>String</d2p1:Cpr> <d2p1:Email>String</d2p1:Email> <d2p1:Id>0</d2p1:Id> <d2p1:Location>String</d2p1:Location> <d2p1:Name>String</d2p1:Name> <d2p1:Phone>String</d2p1:Phone> <d2p1:Title>String</d2p1:Title> </Contact> <KuiContact xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:Category>String</d2p1:Category> <d2p1:Cpr>String</d2p1:Cpr> <d2p1:Email>String</d2p1:Email> <d2p1:Id>0</d2p1:Id> <d2p1:Location>String</d2p1:Location> <d2p1:Name>String</d2p1:Name> <d2p1:Phone>String</d2p1:Phone> <d2p1:Title>String</d2p1:Title> </KuiContact> <KuiPlan xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:ApprovalStatus>String</d2p1:ApprovalStatus> <d2p1:Approvals> <d2p1:NovaLinkKuiDto.GodkendelseDto> <d2p1:ManualApproval>false</d2p1:ManualApproval> <d2p1:PersonName>String</d2p1:PersonName> <d2p1:PersonRole>String</d2p1:PersonRole> <d2p1:Timestamp>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:Timestamp> </d2p1:NovaLinkKuiDto.GodkendelseDto> </d2p1:Approvals> <d2p1:Covering> <d2p1:Answers i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:Comment>String</d2p1:Comment> <d2p1:Competences>String</d2p1:Competences> <d2p1:EducationalWish>String</d2p1:EducationalWish> <d2p1:FguTargetGroup>false</d2p1:FguTargetGroup> <d2p1:FguTargetGroupComment>String</d2p1:FguTargetGroupComment> <d2p1:FguTargetGroupIsUnder25>false</d2p1:FguTargetGroupIsUnder25> <d2p1:FguTargetGroupNoSecondaryEducation>false</d2p1:FguTargetGroupNoSecondaryEducation> <d2p1:JobWish>String</d2p1:JobWish> <d2p1:Motivation> <d2p1:PersonalMotivation>String</d2p1:PersonalMotivation> <d2p1:ProfessionalMotivation>String</d2p1:ProfessionalMotivation> <d2p1:SocialMotivation>String</d2p1:SocialMotivation> </d2p1:Motivation> <d2p1:NoYouthEducationPrerequisites>false</d2p1:NoYouthEducationPrerequisites> <d2p1:Presentation>String</d2p1:Presentation> </d2p1:Covering> <d2p1:KuiplanHeader>String</d2p1:KuiplanHeader> <d2p1:NextStep> <d2p1:Activity> <d2p1:Job> <d2p1:Agreement>String</d2p1:Agreement> <d2p1:Comment>String</d2p1:Comment> <d2p1:ConsentForPlaceOfEducationGivenBySignature>false</d2p1:ConsentForPlaceOfEducationGivenBySignature> <d2p1:ConsentGivenForPlaceOfEducation>false</d2p1:ConsentGivenForPlaceOfEducation> <d2p1:HowToDo>String</d2p1:HowToDo> <d2p1:Period> <d2p1:From>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:From> <d2p1:To>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:To> </d2p1:Period> <d2p1:WhatToDo>String</d2p1:WhatToDo> </d2p1:Job> <d2p1:Other> <d2p1:Comment>String</d2p1:Comment> <d2p1:Description>String</d2p1:Description> <d2p1:EducationalInstitution> <d2p1:Address>String</d2p1:Address> <d2p1:City>String</d2p1:City> <d2p1:CvrNumber>String</d2p1:CvrNumber> <d2p1:InstitutionCode>String</d2p1:InstitutionCode> <d2p1:InstitutionName>String</d2p1:InstitutionName> <d2p1:PNumber>String</d2p1:PNumber> <d2p1:PostalCode>String</d2p1:PostalCode> </d2p1:EducationalInstitution> <d2p1:Period> <d2p1:From>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:From> <d2p1:To>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:To> </d2p1:Period> </d2p1:Other> <d2p1:Preparatory> <d2p1:Comment>String</d2p1:Comment> <d2p1:ConsentForPlaceOfEducationGivenBySignature>false</d2p1:ConsentForPlaceOfEducationGivenBySignature> <d2p1:ConsentGivenForPlaceOfEducation>false</d2p1:ConsentGivenForPlaceOfEducation> <d2p1:Education> <d2p1:CosaFormaal>String</d2p1:CosaFormaal> <d2p1:Description>String</d2p1:Description> <d2p1:PguTheme>String</d2p1:PguTheme> <d2p1:SchoolPeriod>String</d2p1:SchoolPeriod> <d2p1:Speciality>String</d2p1:Speciality> <d2p1:SpecialityComment>String</d2p1:SpecialityComment> </d2p1:Education> <d2p1:EducationalInstitution> <d2p1:Address>String</d2p1:Address> <d2p1:City>String</d2p1:City> <d2p1:CvrNumber>String</d2p1:CvrNumber> <d2p1:InstitutionCode>String</d2p1:InstitutionCode> <d2p1:InstitutionName>String</d2p1:InstitutionName> <d2p1:PNumber>String</d2p1:PNumber> <d2p1:PostalCode>String</d2p1:PostalCode> </d2p1:EducationalInstitution> <d2p1:FguBasisCourse> <d2p1:Chosen>false</d2p1:Chosen> <d2p1:Comment>String</d2p1:Comment> <d2p1:EducationalInstitution> <d2p1:Address>String</d2p1:Address> <d2p1:City>String</d2p1:City> <d2p1:CvrNumber>String</d2p1:CvrNumber> <d2p1:InstitutionCode>String</d2p1:InstitutionCode> <d2p1:InstitutionName>String</d2p1:InstitutionName> <d2p1:PNumber>String</d2p1:PNumber> <d2p1:PostalCode>String</d2p1:PostalCode> </d2p1:EducationalInstitution> <d2p1:Period> <d2p1:From>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:From> <d2p1:To>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:To> </d2p1:Period> </d2p1:FguBasisCourse> <d2p1:FguClarificationCourse> <d2p1:Chosen>false</d2p1:Chosen> <d2p1:Comment>String</d2p1:Comment> <d2p1:EducationalInstitution> <d2p1:Address>String</d2p1:Address> <d2p1:City>String</d2p1:City> <d2p1:CvrNumber>String</d2p1:CvrNumber> <d2p1:InstitutionCode>String</d2p1:InstitutionCode> <d2p1:InstitutionName>String</d2p1:InstitutionName> <d2p1:PNumber>String</d2p1:PNumber> <d2p1:PostalCode>String</d2p1:PostalCode> </d2p1:EducationalInstitution> <d2p1:Period> <d2p1:From>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:From> <d2p1:To>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:To> </d2p1:Period> </d2p1:FguClarificationCourse> <d2p1:Period> <d2p1:From>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:From> <d2p1:To>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:To> </d2p1:Period> <d2p1:PersonalGoal>String</d2p1:PersonalGoal> <d2p1:PguComment>String</d2p1:PguComment> <d2p1:PguWish1>String</d2p1:PguWish1> <d2p1:PguWish2>String</d2p1:PguWish2> <d2p1:PrakticalGoal>String</d2p1:PrakticalGoal> <d2p1:ProfesionalGoal>String</d2p1:ProfesionalGoal> <d2p1:SocialGoal>String</d2p1:SocialGoal> </d2p1:Preparatory> <d2p1:Secondary> <d2p1:Comment>String</d2p1:Comment> <d2p1:ConsentForPlaceOfEducationGivenBySignature>false</d2p1:ConsentForPlaceOfEducationGivenBySignature> <d2p1:ConsentGivenForPlaceOfEducation>false</d2p1:ConsentGivenForPlaceOfEducation> <d2p1:Education> <d2p1:CosaFormaal>String</d2p1:CosaFormaal> <d2p1:Description>String</d2p1:Description> </d2p1:Education> <d2p1:EuxSelected>false</d2p1:EuxSelected> <d2p1:Period> <d2p1:From>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:From> <d2p1:To>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:To> </d2p1:Period> </d2p1:Secondary> <d2p1:TenthGrade> <d2p1:Chosen>false</d2p1:Chosen> <d2p1:Comment>String</d2p1:Comment> <d2p1:ConsentForPlaceOfEducationGivenBySignature>false</d2p1:ConsentForPlaceOfEducationGivenBySignature> <d2p1:ConsentGivenForPlaceOfEducation>false</d2p1:ConsentGivenForPlaceOfEducation> <d2p1:EducationalInstitution> <d2p1:Address>String</d2p1:Address> <d2p1:City>String</d2p1:City> <d2p1:CvrNumber>String</d2p1:CvrNumber> <d2p1:InstitutionCode>String</d2p1:InstitutionCode> <d2p1:InstitutionName>String</d2p1:InstitutionName> <d2p1:PNumber>String</d2p1:PNumber> <d2p1:PostalCode>String</d2p1:PostalCode> </d2p1:EducationalInstitution> <d2p1:Goal>String</d2p1:Goal> <d2p1:Period> <d2p1:From>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:From> <d2p1:To>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:To> </d2p1:Period> </d2p1:TenthGrade> </d2p1:Activity> <d2p1:Answers i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:NextStep>String</d2p1:NextStep> </d2p1:NextStep> <d2p1:Situation> <d2p1:AgreementSpecialConsiderations>false</d2p1:AgreementSpecialConsiderations> <d2p1:AgreementSpecialConsiderationsDescription>String</d2p1:AgreementSpecialConsiderationsDescription> <d2p1:Answers i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:Comment>String</d2p1:Comment> <d2p1:DyslexicSupport>false</d2p1:DyslexicSupport> <d2p1:DyslexicSupportDescription>String</d2p1:DyslexicSupportDescription> <d2p1:FguDownsizedTime>false</d2p1:FguDownsizedTime> <d2p1:FguDownsizedTimeDescription>String</d2p1:FguDownsizedTimeDescription> <d2p1:LifeSituation>String</d2p1:LifeSituation> <d2p1:NoNeedSpecialConsiderations>false</d2p1:NoNeedSpecialConsiderations> <d2p1:SocialSupportNeeds>false</d2p1:SocialSupportNeeds> <d2p1:SocialSupportNeedsDescription>String</d2p1:SocialSupportNeedsDescription> <d2p1:Themes> <d2p1:NovaLinkKuiDto.SituationDto.TemaDto> <d2p1:Content>String</d2p1:Content> <d2p1:SystemName>String</d2p1:SystemName> <d2p1:Title>String</d2p1:Title> </d2p1:NovaLinkKuiDto.SituationDto.TemaDto> </d2p1:Themes> <d2p1:Treatment>false</d2p1:Treatment> <d2p1:TreatmentDescription>String</d2p1:TreatmentDescription> </d2p1:Situation> </KuiPlan> <Parents xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:NovaLinkDto.ParentContactDto> <d2p1:Category>String</d2p1:Category> <d2p1:Cpr>String</d2p1:Cpr> <d2p1:Email>String</d2p1:Email> <d2p1:Id>0</d2p1:Id> <d2p1:Location>String</d2p1:Location> <d2p1:Name>String</d2p1:Name> <d2p1:Phone>String</d2p1:Phone> <d2p1:Title>String</d2p1:Title> </d2p1:NovaLinkDto.ParentContactDto> </Parents> <Person xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:Category>String</d2p1:Category> <d2p1:Cpr>String</d2p1:Cpr> <d2p1:Email>String</d2p1:Email> <d2p1:Id>0</d2p1:Id> <d2p1:Location>String</d2p1:Location> <d2p1:Name>String</d2p1:Name> <d2p1:Phone>String</d2p1:Phone> <d2p1:Title>String</d2p1:Title> <d2p1:Address> <d2p1:City>String</d2p1:City> <d2p1:Postalcode>String</d2p1:Postalcode> <d2p1:Street>String</d2p1:Street> </d2p1:Address> <d2p1:IsAuthoritative>false</d2p1:IsAuthoritative> </Person> </GetKuiPlanResponse>